Each line below the OUTPUT FILES line, up until the first blank line, defines each different output to be created by SURFNET.
<----SURFNET----><-SURFACE-><----------SURFPLOT------------> Foregrnd Backgrnd Atom range colour colour Line File 1st Last Contour /shade /shade width SOLID Filename type[1] atom atom level[2] (0-10)[3] (0-10)[3] [4] /WIRE OUTPUT FILES protein S 1 2389 100.0 1 10 0.1 inhibitor S 2390 2480 100.0 2 10 0.1 waters S 2481 2713 100.0 3 10 0.1 inhibitor_a A 2390 2480 0.0 10 10 0.3 inhibitor_b B 2390 2480 0.0 10 10 0.2 SOLID gaps G 2 1 100.0 4 10 0.1 SOLID
A separate output file is created for each line defined. The file's name will be the name defined in the Filename column (ie the first column), but with a .srf extension. (For example, the first file would be called protein.srf).
If you opt to have the output also generated in one of the molecular graphics package formats (eg QUANTA, SYBYL, O, etc.), an additional file with the appropriate extension will also be generated, as follows:-
.den - CCP4 density map (which can be coverted to
FRODO and O formats using the CCP4 program
MAPPAGE or Gerard Kleywegt's MAPMAN program)
.grd - InsightII grid-file format
.mbk - QUANTA brick-map format
Up to fifty output files can be defined, each on a separate line, starting on the line after OUTPUT FILES. A blank line terminates the list.
The information on each line is entered in free-format columns. The column headings above this section provide a guide the information to be entered.
A - Atoms. For plotting atoms by SURFPLOT as either points or spheres.
a - As A above, but with colours of atoms defined by the value in the B-factor column of the PDB file.
B - Bonds between atoms. Each bond will be plotted by SURFPLOT as a line of a given thickness. Bonds between atoms in the PDB file are computed using a simple distance cut-off.
C - Contours generated on the basis of atom density.
E - Energy. Contours generated on the basis of atomic B-values.
G - Gaps between one molecule and another, or between all atoms of the same molecule. There should only be one file of this type defined, and it should be put last.
J - Join between each atom and the one directly after it in the PDB file.
P - Pair distribution where each sidechain in the PDB file, shown by bonds, is shown separately from any other sidechain - ie not connected irrespective of how close they are. This option is only for use in the special case where all the sidechains are of the same residue type).
S - Surface contours generated so that the van der Waals surface of the molecule is given by a contour level of 100.0.
% - As C above, but with all density values adjusted such that each represents the \%-tage of values lower than it.
Only file types C, E, G, S and % result in maps for QUANTA, SYBYL, O, etc..
For surface files of type S, if there is an asterisk * between the filename in column 1 and the S option in column 2, the atomic radii for used each atom in the input PDB file will be the values given in that atom's B-factor column.
Where you need to define two or more atom ranges for the same, you would do it as follows. Say that the parts of the protein you are interested in involve atoms 1-789, 982-1614 and 1690-2402. That is, the atom-ranges are not contiguous. In this case, you would define the protein surface as:-
OUTPUT FILES protein S 1 789 100.0 1 10 0.1 " S 982 1614 100.0 1 10 0.1 " S 1690 2402 100.0 1 10 0.1
The ditto marks indicate that the following ranges belong to the same surface. You cannot have dittos as either the first file name, nor can they apply to a Gap map. There is a limit on the number of ditto ranges that can apply to a single file.
For a Gap map (type G) the range has a special meaning. It refers not to an atom range but to the files in the lines above; the two numbers define between which surfaces the gaps are to be generated. So, if the range is entered as
gaps G 1 3
the program will generate gap contours between the atoms of the first and third files listed under the OUTPUT FILES heading.
There are two special cases:-
gaps G 1 0
the gaps will be generated between the atoms of first file and the atoms of all the other files.
gaps G 0 0
then the gaps will be generated between all pairs of atoms. This second case is used to get the clefts and cavities in a given protein molecule.
ii. Parameters applying to SURFACE only
For van der Waals surfaces (type S) and gap regions (G) you should use a contour level of 100.0.
A negative contour level will not produce a .grf file and hence the object will not be plotted by SURFPLOT. This may be useful if the object involved is very large and exceeds the SURFACE programs' array capacity.
For contour files (file type C), which give contours based on the density of atoms/data points in the PDB file, it may be difficult to tell in advance what the contour levels should be. In this case a percent-sign % can be used to define the contour level as a given percentage of the maximum density value. For example, the entry might be as follows:-
OUTPUT FILES data1 C 1 10000 20.0% 1 10 0.1 data2 C 1 10000 50.0% 5 10 0.1
This would produce two 3D contour files of the same data, the first contoured at 20% of the maximum density value, and the other at 50% of the maximum density value.
iii. Parameters applying to SURFPLOT only
The colours are:
For black-and-white output, the numbers correspond to a grey scale going from 0 for white to 10 for black.
In addition to these colours, there are also some ``special'' values that can be entered for certain specific effects on the objects being plotted. These are:-
For atom objects (types A and a) the line width defines the atom radii.
Furthermore, there are two special cases:-
For other file types, the SOLID/WIRE option has special meanings:-