Viewing the SURFNET surfaces
Viewing the maps in SYBYL
The contour files generated for SYBYL will have a .cnt
extension. Before reading the maps into SYBYL, check the Surface
Style setting. For small maps you can use the Opaque option
which shows the contours as solid, rendered surfaces. For larger surfaces,
this type of surface can take a long time to generate and be slow to move
around the screen. So, for large surfaces (eg the surface of the
whole protein), set the surface style to Standard, which gives
chicken-wire representations of the contour surfaces.
To read in a contour map enter the following commands:-
Sybyl> D1 or D2, D3 or D4.
Sybyl> 100.0
Sybyl> GREEN or any other colour
Use a single contour level of 100.0 for van der Waals surfaces and
gap regions. For density distributions, use whichever contour level is most
Viewing the SURFNET surfaces