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parameters  SURFNET parameters


There are 18 parameters specific to the SURFPLOT program, as follows:-

C             <- (C)olour/(B)&W PS file, (P)DB-format, (R)aster3D, (V)RML
11            <- Background colour
12            <- Colour of "walls" in back-projections
A             <- (F)loor, (L)eft wall, (R)ight wall, (A)ll three, (N)one
Y             <- Display foreground object (Y/N)?
Y             <- Margin round object - (Y/N)?
0.20          <- Atom radius (in Angstroms) for plot - NOT USED
N             <- Print sequential numbers by the atoms (Y/N)?
Y             <- Maintain x-,y-,z-axes (ignore matrix below) (Y/N)?
 0.0          <- Rotation about x-axis
 0.0          <- Rotation about y-axis
 0.0          <- Rotation about z-axis
 1.0000   0.0000    0.0000             <-
 0.0000   1.0000    0.0000             <- Transformation matrix
 0.0000   0.0000    1.0000             <-
 100.0 100.0 100.0    <- Position of light-source
 40 32         <- Raster3D size, number of tiles in x and y (Max: 80 64)
N              <- Infinite planes for back wall(s) in Raster3d (Y/N)?

Description of options:-

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