Forcite ------- Task : Geometry Optimization Version : 8.0 Build date : Apr 16 2015 Host : KavliWin7x64 Threads : Scalar Operating system : Windows Task started : Tue Aug 11 13:46:31 2015 ---- Geometry optimization parameters ---- Algorithm : Smart Convergence tolerance: Energy : 0.0001 kcal/mol Force : 0.005 kcal/mol/A Stress : 0.005 GPa Displacement : 5e-005 A Maximum number of iterations : 500 External pressure : 0 GPa Motion groups rigid : NO Optimize cell : YES ---- Energy parameters ---- Forcefield : Universal Charges : Use current Electrostatic terms: Summation method : Ewald Accuracy : 0.0001 kcal/mol Buffer width : 0.5 A van der Waals terms: Summation method : Atom based Truncation method : Cubic spline Cutoff distance : 15.5 A Spline width : 1 A Long range correction : YES Buffer width : 0.5 A ---- Initial structure ---- Total enthalpy : 5175.880199 kcal/mol External pressure term : 0.000000 kcal/mol Total energy : 5175.880199 kcal/mol Contributions to total energy (kcal/mol): Valence energy (diag. terms) : 4924.547 Bond : 558.966 Angle : 3285.614 Torsion : 933.197 Inversion : 146.770 Non-bond energy : 251.333 van der Waals : 254.419 Long range correction : -3.086 Electrostatic : 0.000 rms force : 4.671E+001 kcal/mol/A max force : 1.876E+002 kcal/mol/A rms stress : 6.621E+000 GPa max stress : 1.084E+001 GPa Cell parameters: a: 25.932200 A b: 25.932200 A c: 6.836500 A alpha: 90.000 deg beta: 90.000 deg gamma: 120.000 deg ---- Final structure ---- Total enthalpy : 3588.744902 kcal/mol External pressure term : 0.000000 kcal/mol Total energy : 3588.744902 kcal/mol Contributions to total energy (kcal/mol): Valence energy (diag. terms) : 3416.613 Bond : 163.690 Angle : 2859.858 Torsion : 277.759 Inversion : 115.306 Non-bond energy : 172.132 van der Waals : 173.900 Long range correction : -1.768 Electrostatic : 0.000 rms force : 7.164E-004 kcal/mol/A max force : 1.932E-003 kcal/mol/A rms stress : 1.326E-004 GPa max stress : 2.675E-004 GPa Cell parameters: a: 36.755943 A b: 36.755943 A c: 5.939329 A alpha: 90.000 deg beta: 90.000 deg gamma: 120.000 deg Task terminated : Tue Aug 11 13:46:34 2015 Total CPU time used by Forcite: 2 seconds (1.55s) Termination status : Normal