The van der Waals radii of the atoms used by SURFNET are as follows:-
C Carbon 1.87 P Phosphorus 1.90 Fe Iron 1.10 S Sulphur 1.85 H Hydrogen 1.20 X Other 1.50 N Nitrogen 1.65 0 Zero radius 0.00 O Oxygen 1.40
where all the radii are given in Ångstroms.
Note that the special atom type 0 has zero radius and is useful in some applications.
For surface files of type S, individual radii can be defined for each atom in the input PDB file using the B-factor column. To make SURFNET use these values, put an asterisk * between the filename in column 1 and the S option in column 2 in the OUTPUT FILES section of the surfnet.par parameter file.